
Personalized Chiropractic Care at Home

Full range of chiropractic services to enjoy better quality of life

Chiropractic Services At Home in Dubai

Chiropractic service is now available in the comfort of your home in Dubai. You can book an appointment and a trained chiropractor will come to your place for diagnosis and treatment. Due to the convenience and the less time-consuming nature, home chiropractic services in Dubai are becoming more and more popular. Our chiropractic at home service is aimed to provide you with an improved quality of life. With our experienced team of chiropractors, you can meet your chiropractic needs from the comfort of your home, office or anywhere else. Furthermore, all our medical practitioners including the chiropractors are licensed to provide high quality medical care anywhere in the UAE. Hence, excellence in our service is assured. You can contact us whenever the need arises and we will be at your service in no time. Upon arriving, our chiropractor will first do a thorough physical examination and take a look at your medical history. This will be followed by a diagnosis of factors influencing your health and creating a treatment plan.

Different Conditions Treated by City Doctor Chiropractor in Dubai

Chiropractic services include multiple treatments. Being the top chiropractic at home provider in Dubai, we ensure comprehensive chiropractic care. Our chiropractic care includes an array of services. Check out this complete list of our chiropractic services and feel free to contact us whenever required.
  • Pregnancy pain
  • Sciatica
  • Postural dysfunction
  • Post-operation knee rehabilitation
  • Scar tissue therapy
  • Shoulder injuries
  • Carpel Tunnel Syndrome
  • Ankle injuries
  • Neck and Back pain and injuries
  • Spinal canal stenosis
  • Headaches
  • Migraines and TMJ pathologies
  • Joint pain
  • Joint Sprains and Muscle strains
  • Sports injuries

What is Chiropractic At Home Service?

Various vertebral malfunctions and misalignments can occur in the spine that can interfere with the proper function of the nerve system. This can eventually cause an array of health issues. Chiropractic adjustments can be done by applying precise force or movement on body joints to treat malfunctions and misalignments. Generally, you have to go to a clinic of a specialist for availing chiropractic treatment. However, the best chiropractic at home service in Dubai brings the treatment to your doorstep.

People often fail to make time and visit clinics in their busy schedules. With chiropractic at home services, treatments have become easier and more convenient to obtain. Such services contribute to improved health and quality of life.

What are the Benefits of Chiropractic Treatment At Home?

Chiropractic treatments can help you lead a healthier life. Availing chiropractic treatment at home comes with additional benefits.

  • Treatment at the comfort of your home
  • Less time-consuming compared to chiropractic clinic visits
  • A better quality of life

Why Choose City Doctor for Chiropractic Service in Dubai

Opt for our chiropractic services in Dubai and you will be benefitted in many ways.

Round-the-clock availability

Wherever you are in Dubai and whenever you require our service, we are available.

Personalised care

We will listen to your needs, do a complete health check-up and then come up with a personalised treatment plan best suited for you.

Immediate response

Make the call and we will reach you in an hour.

Excellent service

We always follow all national and international medical standards. Our diagnoses and treatments are accurate and evidence-based.


Contact us

Call us at 800 5060. You can also get in touch via WhatsApp at +971 54 5060 704


Give us less than an hour

Our team will reach your doorstep in less than an hour.


Get well soon

With our quick and accurate diagnoses and treatment, you will feel better in no time.

Why City Doctor?

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Chiropractic FAQs

A Chiropractor in Dubai can charge you anywhere between AED 200 to AED 600.

Chiropractic adjustment requires proper training. So, you should always go to a professional chiropractor. Doing your own chiropractic adjustment is highly discouraged.

Many insurance plans in Dubai cover chiropractic treatments.

Yes, with professional help, chiropractic adjustments are safe.

Chiropractic treats multiple conditions including joint pains, injuries, headaches, pregnancy pain and postural dysfunction.

Book Chiropractic Treatment at Home in Dubai

Feel free to call us anytime, anywhere with your chiropractic needs