
Comprehensive Heart Health Checkup Packages for a Healthy Heart

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Heart Health Check-Up Package in Dubai

A healthy heart paves the way for a healthy life. When it comes to taking care of the heart, there are two aspects. The first one is you staying mentally happy and the second one is ensuring the heart is at no physical risk. The first one we leave to you and for the second one, allow us to introduce you to the top heart health checkup packages. Regular heart health check-ups are highly recommended by doctors and are chosen by people all around the world.  City Doctor has developed the best heart health check-up package in Dubai with the objective to provide comprehensive preventive care to all. With a team of licensed  and DHA Certified doctors, nurses and expert medical practitioners, we provide thorough check-ups, efficient tests and accurate diagnosis. For complete care, we guide our patients with preventive care and customised treatments as well. Feel free to get in touch with us to get a heart health check-up for yourself or your loved ones. Our fully equipped team will visit your home to get your heart checked.

What Is Heart Health Check-Up And What Does It Include?

In a heart health check-up, a cardiologist examines your heart, conducts some tests followed by a diagnosis. Check out the list of tests included in our heart health check-up package.

  • Blood pressure check
  • Cholesterol tests
  • BMI body mass index) measurement
  • Blood glucose tests
  • EKG
  • ECG
  • Echocardiography
  • Cardiac CT scan
  • CTA (Coronary CT angiography)
  • Nuclear stress test
  • Coronary catheter angiography

Who Should Go For Heart Health Check-Up?

A heart health check-up can be done even at an early age of 20 depending on the conditions and symptoms of the patient. The frequency of the check-ups, however, can differ based on the tests you need. For example, one should get their blood pressure tests done once one every year and blood cholesterol tests at once every 4 to 6 years. BMI should be done during your annual health check-ups. You may have to go for more frequent check-ups or tests if you have high blood pressure, high blood sugar, high cholesterol, obesity, any heart condition, cardiovascular complications during pregnancy or a family history of heart diseases. 

Also, if you have symptoms like chest pain or any discomfort, shortness of breath, racing or slow heartbeat, fluttering in your chest, fatigue, dizziness, swelling in your feet or swelling in your abdomen, it can be an indicator of heart disease. In any such case, seek medical attention immediately.

The Benefits Of Getting A Regular Heart Health Check-Up

By booking a heart health check-up, you are taking a positive step towards a better and healthier life. With regular heart check-ups come several benefits:

  • Early detection of any heart condition
  • Reduced chances of health deterioration
  • Regular updates on your health status
  • Reduced healthcare costs in the long run
  • Better chance at heart disease prevention
  • Peace of mind

What To Do If You Find Something Wrong During Your Heart Health Check-Up

Diagnosis is the first step towards a disease-free life. Hence, if anything concerning comes up during your check-up, you will have a diagnosis at hand and can start your treatment right away. At City Doctor, we believe in complete and maximum care. We will be with you in every step, from your check-up to diagnosis and treatment. 

Based on the nature of the diagnosis, further appointments with our seasoned cardiologists can be planned and treatments can be started immediately.

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Heart Health Check-Up FAQs

You should opt for regular heart health check-ups as soon as you become 20 years old, especially when you have a history of high blood pressure in your family.

The cost of a heart health check-up depends on what type of and how many tests are included in the package you chose. Contact us at 800 50 60. We will customise a heart health check-up package for you and give you an estimate as well.

You will need to add EKG to all your regular heart health check-ups if you have any heart condition. That being said, you can opt for regular EKGs to get a complete health status of your heart.

ECG can detect an array of heart diseases but not all of them. You can have heart disease even when your ECG is perfectly normal. So, a complete heart check-up is advised.

You can make a heart health check-up part of your annual health check-ups. That being said, you may have to go for more frequent check-ups if you have any heart condition.

Book Heart Health Check-Up Package in Dubai

For routine screening tests, ECG, EKG or any other cardiovascular tests, call City Doctor!