
Best Wound Care at Home for a Speedy Recovery

Call City Doctor for complete wound care with minimal scarring

Wound Care Nursing At Home in Dubai

No more neglecting wound and suffering from major consequences later; the best wound care is now easily available all over Dubai. Be it a minor cut or a major injury, you can seek help from professionals and ensure a speedy recovery without much scarring. With the presence of wound care at home services, you won’t even have to leave your home for the treatment. 

City Doctor has made immediate wound care possible with a quick response time. With us, you can save your time and get wound care at home in Dubai in no time. Quick response does not interfere with accurate treatment. We promise patient-specific care designed holistically after a complete assessment of the wound. 

Our wound care nursing team has experts with years of experience in the field and the backing of DHA certification.

Types Of Wound We Care For

Wound care is provided according to the type and severity of the wound. Being the best wound care at home service provider in Dubai, we offer care for an array of wound. 

Go through this complete list of our wound care services and book your appointment whenever required.

  • Complex soft tissue wound
  • Compromised skin grafts and flaps
  • Burns
  • Crush injuries
  • Wound from trauma
  • Necrotizing infections
  • Radiation tissue damage (Cystitis, Proctitis, Osteoradionecrosis)
  • Pressure ulcers
  • Chronic bone infections (Osteomyelitis)
  • Diabetic leg and foot wound / Diabetic foot ulcers
  • Non-healing wound for vascular surgery
  • Other slow-healing wound

What is Wound Care Nursing Service?

People often face accidents leaving them with minor and major injuries. Post-operative wound are also there. The different types of wound required specific medical attention. The process of dressing may differ from one injury to another. You may be able to care for some wound with the first aid kit available at home. However, some wound must have a professional look. Here come the wound care nursing services into action.

Under the best wound care nursing service at home in Dubai, an expert will examine your wound and provide the needed medical attention. The expert will also regularly monitor the wound to ensure a smooth recovery and prevent any infections.

What are the Benefits of Wound Care At Home Service?

Proper care at the right time helps heal the wound at the fastest rate with less scarring. With our top wound care service at home, you can avail multiple benefits.

  • Professional assistance from the comfort of your home
  • Regular monitoring of the wound
  • Guidance for preventing infection 
  • Help in maintaining hygiene

Why Choose City Doctor for Wound Care in Dubai

City Doctor is committed to your well-being. When you opt for our wound care services at home in Dubai, we will offer you the most suitable care plan and closely monitor your health.

Around-the-clock availability

Find our experts with just a phone call or a WhatsApp message at your doorstep at any time of the day.

Well-designed services

Our wound care at home services are curated adhering to the international protocols which are executed by some of the best medical professionals in Dubai.

Personalised care

Your case may not be the same and we take that seriously at City Doctor. We are prepared to modify our treatment plans as per the needs of our patients.

Quick at-home treatment

Our team will reach your location within 30-45 minutes for fast caregiving.


Reach us

Call us on 800 5060 or book a visit via a WhatsApp text at +971 54 5060 704


Expect us within an hour

Our dedicated team will be at your location in less than an hour.


Come back stronger

Our personalised care will help you reach your health goal soon.

Why City Doctor?

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Wound Care FAQs

Yes, wound care is possible at home with primary cleaning, closure (suturing) and medication. However, in severe cases, it is advisable to get professional care at the earliest.

The fastest way to heal wound is to keep the wound clean and devoid of moisture and dust. Regular care and medication help improve the healing process. 

Treating a wound can be critical. If your wound is minor, opt for sterile water cleaning and apply medicated ointment for fast recovery. However, if you have a severe wound, we at City Doctor can help you simplify the process. You get help from experts and services like medical setups at your home.

When you have a wound infection, always seek medical advice from a professional. If you need assistance at home, you can opt for City Doctor’s services through a call at 800 50 60.

A wound care specialist is the one to call out for the caregiving of wounds regardless of whether it is chronic, acute, or non-healing.

Book Wound Care Service at Home in Dubai

Whatever the nature of injury, we are always here for you!