Brief Overview of Vitamin B7 (Also Known As Biotin)
Water-soluble vitamin B7 – also known as biotin – is essential for your body’s metabolism and operation. It is a crucial part of several enzymes involved in vital metabolic processes in the human body, such as the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and the amino acids needed for protein synthesis [1].
Biotin gets found in dietary supplements marketed for skin care and used to strengthen hair and nails because it remains well-known to promote cell growth. Only bacteria, molds, yeasts, algae, and some plants can synthesize biotin. Because the human body cannot produce enough biotin on its own, it must get replenished through diet. It is crucial for maintaining healthy skin, hair, and nails. It enhances neural function and aids in nutrient metabolism.
Importance of Vitamin B7 for Overall Health
Many of the essential systems in your body get maintained by biotin. The word “biotin,” which means “sustenance” or “life-giving,” is derived from the Greek word “biotos.” Biotin is a B vitamin that has several health advantages [2]. From your nervous system, liver, and eyes to your hair and skin – they can all benefit from it. Biotin, like other B vitamins, aids in the body’s utilization of enzymes and transportation of nutrients. Everyone desires hair, skin, and nails that appear healthier. Biotin, or vitamin B7, is one essential nutrient for achieving this objective. Even though many people can obtain enough B7 from their diets alone, there are some situations where people might want to try a supplement.
Diabetes Management
Studies on the management of diabetes symptoms suggest that biotin may be helpful. In some people with diabetes, it helps control blood sugar levels.
Additionally, the B vitamins support normal brain function, which aids in managing neurological diabetes symptoms like neuropathy (damage or dysfunction of a nerve).
Hair Care
The benefits of biotin for hair are well known. According to studies, biotin helps women with thin hair by increasing shine, volume, and scalp coverage.
Improved Fingernails and Skin
Additionally, studies demonstrate that biotin enhances hydration, smoothness, and skin appearance. In addition, according to some studies, biotin can strengthen and speed up the growth of fingernails. Your beauty routine can benefit from adding biotin.
Prenatal Care
Another requirement for a healthy pregnancy is biotin. Studies have shown that a biotin deficiency, quite typical among pregnant women, can cause health problems in unborn children. As a result, pregnant women should regularly consume foods high in biotin and should think about taking biotin supplements.
Before using, as is true with any supplement, you must check with your doctor first.
Improved Brain Function
Additionally crucial to enhancing the brain’s cognitive function is vitamin B7. It aids brain cell repair and is consequently used to treat symptoms of psychotic conditions like hallucinations, depression, schizophrenia, and brain fog. Additionally, it manages biotin-responsive basal ganglia disease, which supports the proper operation of the nervous system.
Enhances General Health
In the case of those with kidney issues, biotin is beneficial. Additionally, it effectively lessens dialysis-related pain and muscle cramps. It is also helpful for treating cradle cap in kids, seborrheic dermatitis, and auto-immune diseases like multiple sclerosis in adults, and it also helps to improve vision.
Food Sources of Vitamin B7
B vitamin biotin aids the body’s process of converting food into energy. Although in trace amounts, you can find B7 in some natural food sources[3]. Because biotin is water soluble, the body cannot store it. However, intestinal bacteria can also produce biotin, which is also present in several foods. A varied, wholesome diet can often provide enough vitamin B7 for most people. Supplementation might work best for others.
Here are several food sources for vitamin B7 or biotin. You should consume these vitamin B7-rich foods daily to improve cognitive function, prevent brittle nails, increase energy levels, and improve metabolic processes.
1. Egg Yolks
B vitamins, protein, iron, and phosphorus are all abundant in eggs. Biotin is ample in the yolk. If you have 50 grams of whole, boiled eggs, it will have 10 mcg of biotin in them. You can lower your risk of salmonella poisoning and enhance biotin absorption by always eating fully cooked eggs. A protein called avidin is present in egg whites, and if consumed raw, it can prevent the absorption of vitamin biotin. Eggs can be boiled hard, scrambled, or used to make muffins or waffles, among other baked goods.
2. Legumes
Peas, beans, and lentils are a few examples of legumes rich in protein, fiber, and several micronutrients. Peanuts and soybeans are a couple of the category’s richest sources of biotin. Typically, you will find that legumes are boiled and added to stir-fries, baked goods, entrées and salads as a base.
3. Nuts and Seeds
Nuts and seeds are a good source of fiber, unsaturated fat, and protein. Most also contain biotin, though the amount varies depending on the type. Nuts and seeds can be consumed raw, added to salads, cooked with pasta or stir-fried, or made into the nut and seed butter at home.
4. Liver
The liver, in particular, has a high biotin content. Given that your liver is where your body stores the majority of its biotin, this makes biological sense. A 75-gram serving of cooked chicken liver contains 138 mcg, making it an even richer source. Some people like their liver cooked as a topping for pasta dishes, minced into homemade burger patties, or fried with onions.
5. Sweet Potatoes
You will find an abundance of vitamins, minerals, fiber, and carotenoid antioxidants in sweet potatoes. In terms of vegetable sources of biotin, they rank among the best. Cooked sweet potatoes have 2.4 mcg of biotin per 1/2 cup serving. Until they are tender, sweet potatoes can be microwaved or baked. In addition, you can peel, boil, and mash them or incorporate them into your veggie burger patties.
6. Mushrooms
Mushrooms are a nutrient-dense fungus that provides several health advantages, including biotins. They find a shield from parasites and predators in the wild through their high biotin content. 2.6 mcg of biotin is present in 120 grams of canned button mushrooms. Fresh, chopped button mushrooms weigh 70 grams and contain 5.6 mcg. Fresh mushrooms can also be stuffed and baked, sautéed, or added to salads, while canned mushrooms go well over noodles, homemade pizzas, and in sauces and gravies.
7. Bananas
One of the most consumed fruits in the world is the banana. They are a great source of fiber, carbohydrates, and micronutrients like copper, potassium, and B vitamins. Additionally, one small banana (105 grams) contains about 0.2 mcg of biotin. They can be covered in nut butter or added to smoothies.
8. Broccoli
Due to its high fiber, calcium, and vitamin A and C content, broccoli is one of the vegetables with the most nutrients. Additionally, it contains a lot of biotins. You can find 0.4 mcg in just 1/2 cup (45 grams) of raw, chopped broccoli. It can be eaten raw with hummus or a dip, steamed, roasted with seasoning and olive oil, blended into soups, sautéed, and added to pasta dishes and casseroles.
9. Yeast
Both brewer’s yeast and nutritional yeast contain biotin, but the amounts differ depending on the brand. Both beer brewing and bread leavening use brewer’s yeast, also known as active dry yeast. On the other hand, nutritional yeast, an inactive form of yeast, is frequently used to make non-dairy cheese. Every 16 grams of nutritional yeast contains up to 21 mcg of biotin. A typical 2.25-teaspoon (7-gram) packet of active dry yeast used in baking, on the other hand, contains 1.4 mcg of biotin.
10. Avocados
Although they are best known for being a good source of unsaturated fats and folate, avocados are also high in biotin. The amount of biotin in a medium avocado (200 grams) is at least 1.85 mcg. Avocados can be sliced to top salads, taco soup, burritos, guacamole, and toast or eaten raw.
Top Foods that are High in Vitamin B7
One should consume a diet rich in vitamin B7 food options to prevent deficiency syndromes because, like all other water-soluble vitamins, this vitamin biotin is not prepared within the body and gets washed away. So, to satisfy dietary requirements, one must solely rely on outside food sources and supplements. And much to our relief, we are blessed with an abundance of naturally occurring food sources that are rich in vitamin B7 and meet our daily needs.
The following foods are rich in vitamin B7[6]:
- Carrot, cauliflower, spinach, broccoli, mushrooms, and sweet potato are examples of vegetables.
- Bananas, avocados, and raspberries are examples of fruits.
- Almonds, peanuts, and walnuts are examples of nuts and seeds, as are sunflower seeds.
- Whole grains like wheat, oats, and rice.
- Milk and cheddar cheese, which are dairy products.
- Fish varieties like salmon, tuna, sardines, oysters, eggs, and meat are examples of animal sources.
How Much Biotin is Recommended to Consume Daily?
There is no RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) for biotin because there is insufficient data to determine the daily requirement for most healthy individuals[7]. Instead, an AI (Adequate Intake) level is present, which may guarantee adequate nutrient intake.
For people 19 years of age and older, as well as pregnant women, the recommended daily biotin intake is 30 micrograms. Every day, lactating women need 35 micrograms. The maximum daily dose that is unlikely to have adverse side effects in the general population is known as the Tolerable Upper Intake Level (UL). Due to a lack of reports demonstrating harmful effects from extremely high intakes, there is no UL for biotin.
A qualified healthcare professional will advise you on the appropriate dosage to treat vitamin B7 deficiency and may suggest different amounts.
Vitamin B7: Supplements and Dosage
The dosage of a vitamin B7 supplement will vary depending on the patient. You will need to observe your doctor’s or the label’s instructions. The following intake details only the typical dosages of this medication[2]. Unless your doctor instructs you to, do not alter your dose if it differs from the recommended one.
The strength of the medication determines how much of it you should take. Additionally, the medical condition for which you are using the prescribed supplement affects the number of doses you take each day, the interval between doses, and the duration of treatment.
For tablets or capsules used as oral dosage forms:
The amount taken orally is based on typical daily recommended intakes to prevent deficiency:
- For adults and teenagers: A daily dose of 30 to 100 micrograms (mcg).
- For children aged 7 to 10: 30 mcg per day.
- For children aged 4 to 6: 25 mcg per day.
- For children ages 0 to 3 years: 10-20 mcg per day.
Adults, adolescents, and children with deficiencies get treated with different dosages based on how severe the deficit is in each case.
How to Choose a High-Quality Vitamin B7 Supplement?
The following elements need to be taken into consideration when picking the best biotin supplements[4]:
- Trustworthy indicators: You should give preference to products that have undergone independent testing for potency and purity and the ones that get produced in establishments that follow the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) current good manufacturing practices (CGMPs) (FDA).
- Ingredient quality: Make sure the products you choose have high-quality ingredients and few fillers or additives.
- Vetting: To ensure that all the biotin supplements you consider meet medical standards, you should have a qualified and licensed healthcare professional vet them all before deciding on one.
Other Ways to Increase Vitamin B7
Malnutrition, excessive alcohol consumption, and using certain medications can all result in biotin deficiency. A lack of biotin can result in brittle nails, depression, fatigue, and other problems[7].
High doses of biotin can be given to the body effectively through IV drips and injections. Biotin can get absorbed by the body as quickly and at maximum as possible through IV drips and injections. In general, vitamin IV drips are safe. However, you should consult your doctor to ensure you do not get administered vitamin dosages too high because these can be damaging to your organs. You can gain multiple benefits from biotin IV drips, including faster hair and nail growth, increased energy and metabolism, lowered cholesterol levels, blood sugar stabilization, and many more.
Lifestyle Changes to Boost Biotin Levels
The majority of a person’s nutritional requirements should be satisfied by food because it offers a variety of nutrients and other elements that are beneficial to health. When it is impossible to meet nutrient requirements without the help of fortified foods and dietary supplements[2], they can be helpful in some situations (e.g., during specific life stages such as pregnancy).
A healthy dietary pattern is one that:
- Contains a variety of fruits, vegetables, grains (at least half of which should be whole grains), fat-free or low-fat milk, yoghurt, cheese, and oils. You can find biotin in some fruits, vegetables, dairy products, and whole grains.
- Contains a wide range of protein-rich foods, including soy products, beans, peas, lentils, lean meats, poultry, eggs, and seafood.
- Limits consumption of foods and drinks higher in sodium, saturated fat, and added sugars.
- Restricts alcohol consumption.
- Complies with your daily calorie requirements.
Good sources of biotin include eggs, some organ meats, and a wide variety of nuts, seeds, seafood, and lean meats.
FAQs about Vitamin B7
Generally, vitamin-rich foods or supplements can take care of your biotin intake or deficiency. However, which foods are good for you depends on several factors which your healthcare professional will consider before prescribing any supplements or dietary chart. But, you may also have several questions surrounding vitamin B7 or biotin and how it helps keep your health in check. Here are the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions regarding vitamin B7 or biotin. Take a look!
Q1. How much biotin should I consume daily?
The amount taken orally is based on typical daily recommended intakes to prevent deficiency: A daily dose of 30 to 100 micrograms (mcg) for adults and teenagers. Children aged 7 to 10: 30 mcg per day, children aged 4 to 6: 25 mcg per day.
Q2. Are there any side effects of taking biotin supplements?
If you consume too much biotin supplementation, problems may result. Sleeping issues, skin rashes, digestive discomfort, issues with insulin release, and kidney issues are a few of the potential side effects of biotin. The safety of long-term or high-dose use is unknown, as it is with any dietary supplement. Always consult your doctor before beginning a supplement regimen.
Q3. Which fruit is rich in Vitamin B7?
Avocados, bananas, and raspberries contain the most vitamin B7 or biotin. You can consume these fruits daily to ensure your biotin intake remains consistent. However, if you have allergies or other health issues, check with your healthcare provider before consuming any vitamin B7-rich foods.
Q4. What are the symptoms of Vitamin B7 deficiency?
Due to alcohol’s ability to prevent nutrients from being absorbed and the fact that alcohol abuse frequently gets accompanied by poor dietary intake, alcoholism can increase the risk of biotin deficiency and many other nutrient deficiencies. Thinner hair, scaly skin rashes around the eyes, nose, and mouth, and brittle nails are signs of a biotin deficiency.
Q5. Which food has highest biotin?
Organ meats, eggs, fish, meat, seeds, nuts, and some vegetables like sweet potatoes, broccoli, etc., are among the foods that contain the most biotin.
The Bottom Line
Vitamin B7 or biotin – a water-soluble vitamin – is an essential nutrient that promotes healthy bodily functions, including the metabolism of fat, enhancement of skin and vision, maintenance of a healthy nervous system, and control of diabetes.
Although rare, you can prevent deficiencies by consuming foods high in biotin. Legumes, egg yolks, organ meats, nuts, seeds, mushrooms, avocados, sweet potatoes, and yeast are some of the best sources of biotin. When taken under a doctor’s or healthcare professional’s supervision, you can avoid toxic effects and enjoy the benefits of biotin.
Consult Experts at City Doctor
Today, we can still fall short of the required nutrients even with a perfect diet and a consistent exercise routine. With a packed daily schedule, the task becomes even more difficult. Shots of vitamins can be very beneficial in this situation. It can significantly improve your body’s overall natural health.
For several reasons, some of them unknown, you may have to deal with vitamin deficiency. While some can replenish with dietary intake, others might need supplements or even an injection, depending on the severity of the deficit.
City Doctor’s team will come to your location after receiving just one call from you, perform a thorough examination, and make arrangements for the necessary vitamin shots for you. Doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals with extensive training, credentials, and experience make up our team, which is available 24×7 and 365 days a year across Dubai and the UAE. You can call us on 800 5060 or drop a text on WhatsApp at +971 54 5060 704.